Monday, August 31, 2009
The Finale
Today I am looking out at the pergola in my backyard
Today I might cook steak and lobster...yum
Today I am reading my GIS buddies' blogs
Today my biggest priority is to get our car registered (nothing like waiting til the last minute)
Today I hope to see anywhere outside of my house
Today I hope to talk to one of my friends
Today I have already seen/talked to does my son count?!
Today I am watching HGTV...all day
Today I am dreaming that there were 48 hours in a day
Today I am wearing my pajamas...which reminds me I should go change!
Today my mood is lazy
Today I am going to go camping in my backyard with my son!
My Creative Process
Today I had an urge to use a piece of art that my son and I completed at our local childrens museum. You know the feeling...your fridge is crawling with crayon drawings and splatter paintings...but what to do with them to make room for the next I throw them out? Never.... I couldn't even think of we store them...where...oh here and there. Well I've got an idea that will help you put these to good use. Use them as patterned paper in your los, of course! Crayon drawings and splatter paintings work for any number of themes (i.e. school, kids, art journal, etc).
Sour Photos...Make Lemonade
Thats what I've tried to do here in My Dog-Garn Loveable lo. We have managed to capture quite a few breathtaking photos of our two loyal friends Coda and Maddie...but we've also taken our fair share of duds...particularly every photo of the two of them together! So in this layout I've chosen my two favorite pictures of my dogs to stand front and center, but have added a small photo strip off to the side to show them growing up together over the past few years.
Most of the photos in the strip are low quality cell phone pictures...but this fact isn't quite as obvious because of Sherry's great tip...can't wait to see what else she has in store for us...I've got plenty of lemons!
Saturday, August 29, 2009
HB2U(Happy Birthday to You!)

Photo Scavenger
Something SWEET

Monday, August 24, 2009
WooHoo! 1000 Hits
Yeeeeaaaaa!!! blog reached the 1000 hits milestone, I know...I know, some blogs receive a 1000 hits in a days time, so my measily 1000 hits in 4 months is pretty lame...but it was a goal of mine and I have reached next goal is to be published in a all I have to do is start submitting my work-- probably a good start...wouldn;t you say?!
Get 'er Done!

Sunday, August 23, 2009
Speaking of Scraps...

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Friday, August 21, 2009
10 Random Things...
1. I love the smell of scotch tape (it has the exact same smell as the clear gummy bears...yum)
2. I used to strain my salsa...because I don;t like the texture of tomatoes.
3. I love watching the Wizards of Waverly Place and have convinced myself that I'm watching the Disney channel for my 18 mo old son.
4. I wear sandals in the snow and to go hiking...sometimes because I forget, but mostly because I just love wearing them!
5. I have an unhealthy obsession with the color green...and I have apparently imprinted this obsession on my son who will now only eat the green apple jacks and leaves the red ones behind.
6. I love the smell of rain...but I especially love the smell of Central Utah rain, the sage and rain mix to make this wonderful aroma that smells like spearmint gum!
7. I watch the movie Twilight once a week, only because I've read the books 3 times over...and their starting to show quite a bit of wear.
8. I often dream about scrapbooking.
9. I have a "smell bad phobia" I constantly worry about smelling bad, and apply deodorant 4-6 times daily...usually by the end of the day I have what my dh calls "under arm-or" in other words an impenetrable layer of deodorant. I'm always asking people if I smell bad...and in my experience people are rarely truthful about this!
10. I love the Rolling explanation needed!
A Day at Joe's
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Ms. Alexys, Both Witty and Wise!
I don't want the fat doll!
Maybe he has to fart?
Grandma, you're really old!
Your house is messy!
How come you only have boring baby toys?
You use the computer you have webkinz too?
And of course...the infamous "ewwwh", when discussing, aything to do with kissing, underwear/diapers, or watching out for dog poo.
Lexy says the darnedest things...but we love you I say...keep on keepin' it real!
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Oh The Places I Go...
1.Get It Scrapped
3.Scrap This Kit
4.Chase Online Banking
5.The Spraground
6.Designer Digitals
7.Scrap Artist
8.Creating Keepsakes Magazine
9.Adobe Photoshop Online
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
What Smells Like Fish?

Photo by
Monday, August 17, 2009
A Happy Median
Isn't it crazy how you can do everything online nowadays...without ever having to leave your house or come in contact with anyone other than those sparkling faces you know and love!? So your hungry...order Dominos need to pay a bill...use your online banking...girls night it up online! It seems so perfect right?!
So I've been struggling with time management lately...the age long conundrum of getting everything that you need and want to, done in a day! All around me are these super women...who are raising their children, running their own businesses at home or even working two jobs, going to school, cooking and cleaning for their families and still having time to go camping or finish a scrapbook page! Granted half of them don't know who you are [Tami]. But I've come to realize that while my online life helps me to cut down on some of those time consuming tasks like running errands or cooking has also become somewhat of a "time sucker" lately. Before you know it your checking your facebook page 20 times in an hour and spending half a day just surfing the web, yet you still have the nerve to ask...why can't I get anything done!
So last night I took my first step towards integrating "my online life" with "my everyday life" by joining a couple of old friends that I had reconnected with on Facebook. I figured instead of spending half a day taking nonsense quizzes on FB, why not send a quick message and spend some time with my most special FB friends, right...while eating dinner...oh yeah I'm multi-tasking now! And it was a blast catching up with all of my old friends too!
So the moral of the online life is crucial for the modern day super long as I don't let it overshadow all of the things that need attention in my everyday life!

Sunday, August 16, 2009
Three Perspectives

Friday, August 14, 2009
PEER Inspiration
While learning from experts like Doris and Emily, is an ideal place to can even find inspiration from everyday scrappers like yourself in online forums and galleries. Thats where I find I grow the most as a scrapper--by being involved in online communities and receiving daily inspiration from my fellow community members. With LauraBean's lo "Duck Landing" I was literally sucked into the beauty of this layout...I was taking my second digital scrapbooking class ever and LauraBean was a fellow classmate...I was new to digital scrapbooking and was looking for inspiration at every corner...when I came upon her lo in our class gallery...the minute I saw this lo I said to myself thats did she do that? Then next thing I know I'm purchasing a few of the key items she used to make her lo from Designer Digitals and I'm on my way to recreating her masterpiece.

I think the best thing about being inspired by your peers is you never get stuck in a rut. Naturally everyone has their own style...but do you ever find yourself looking at a group of los that you've done say over a months time and they all look oddly similar...I hate when that happens! If you constantly keep your eyes peeled for new inspiration you will never have this problem again and you'll never be afraid to try new things! The possibilities will be endless!
Layouts "XOXO" and "My Life Is" by Amy Kingsford, with inspiration by Emily Powers' "Young Love" and LauraBean's "Duck Landing".
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Goodnight...Sleep Tight...

Me for instance...I have several pieces of furniture that were in the chair in the front room that is perfect for curling up next to the fireplace with hot cocoa and a good read--Caleb's vintage crib that has been used in Jake's family since the 1940s--or if it was possible to take with me (though it is cemented in the ground), the pergola that my husband and I built in our backyard this summer.
But when it comes right down to it...after working a 4am-1pm shift at work and then running all of my errands and taking my son swimming...the one piece of furniture I simply can't do without at this particular point in time, is my nice comfy bed....goodnight all! (yawn....stretch...)
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Eventually...but not Today!
Do you ever have days at work that are so bad that you decide that this is the day you will quit your job...and be a SAHM! First you start by figuring out everything you have to pay off...then you start thinking of what you will have to give up...then you start getting a little giddy when you realize it just might be possible...then you start thinking of what you will do with all your spare time (as if parents really have spare time, when there children are awake!)...then you mention the idea to someone and kaboom, all of your plans are torn to shreds by one person's inability to live the dream. They say something like what about food...oh I'm going to stop eating...I need to lose weight anyway! Or will you still be able to afford insurance...well we're all gonna have universal health care anyway right (at least that's what everyone in the break room and the checkout lines and well just about everywhere else I go is complaining I'll just hold out for that! (I'm not really that naive on the issue, but we often find ourselves pretending to be when looking for a particular outcome)...Or what about it covered I'm not going to ever leave the house...Hey if I have diet coke and a stock pile of adhesives and diapers then I've got everything I need! Okay... So I know that right now my wishes of being a SAHM are not really rational...but a girl can dream right...besides how would I afford all of the great scrappy stuff I get each month...okay back to work...people need to eat...right!
Monday, August 10, 2009
Two Years Ago...Today

WISH list
List making always makes me think of a poem I wrote in fourth grade. The assignment was to write a poem "If I could have three wishes" There was no structure just the idea of being granted three wishes. Even as a fourth grader mine stuck out as a little different. I actually thought about it and did not ask for money and fame, or more wishes, but a true friend, and love. My mom kept the poem and I have since scrapped it. But it is very telling of me even today.
I too am fond of making wish lists, in fact I think I have one at every online scrappy store that I frequent! But today as I rack my brain I can think of only one wish I'd like to share with all of you. I WISH FOR SUMMERTIME TO LAST JUST A WHILE LONGER! It feels like summer only just began and now our children are going back to school, the leaves are beginning to fall again and every where you look stores are beginning to ready for the fall and winter holidays! Could it be gone already? To help me celebrate summertime I made this layout and a list of things I love about summer!

The Ten BEST Things About Summer
1. Going Swimming
2. Lemonade
3. Tank Tops and Shorts
4. Bicycling
5. Summer Evening Walks
6. Vacations
7. Fireworks
8. Grilled Food
9. Family Get-Togethers
10. And lots of FUN!
Sunday, August 9, 2009
A Savory Sunday

1 recipe pastry for a 9 inch single crust pie
6 slices bacon
1 onion, sliced
3 eggs, beaten
1 1/2 cups milk
1/4 teaspoon salt
1 1/2 cups shredded Swiss cheese
1 tablespoon all-purpose flour
Preheat oven to 450 degrees F (230 degrees C). Line pastry shell with foil. Bake in oven for 8 minutes. Remove foil and bake for an additional 5 minutes, or until crust is set and dry. Remove from oven and turn down temperature to 325 degrees F (165 degrees C).
In a large skillet, cook bacon until crisp. Drain and reserve 2 tablespoons of drippings. Crumble the bacon and set aside. Cook onion in skillet with reserved drippings; cook until onion is tender and then drain.
In a large bowl, mix together milk, salt and eggs. Stir in bacon and onion. In a separate bowl, toss cheese and flour together, then add to egg mixture. Be sure to mix well. Pour egg mixture into pie crust.
Bake in preheated oven for 35 to 40 minutes, or until knife inserted in center of quiche comes out clean. If necessary, cover edge of crust with foil while baking to prevent burning or over browning. Let stand for 10 minutes before serving.
Photo and recipe by
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Born to be Bad?
I will be the first to admit to using the same photo on more than one can this be done you simply looking at it from a different point of view! Won't somebody notice and think that you've lost your camera or were too lazy to take new photos...not if you capture a totally different story!
I have chosen the picture on my left and after careful consideration decided that the that I wanted to approach my layout from a relationship perspective. This photo was taken when Caleb was 1 month old (now he is 18 mos old) and it should have been a pretty good inicator to us that he would have a certain fetish for glasses as he grew up. I remember this moment and how tough he looked wearing them...I should have known that one day soon that everytime he got his hands on a pair of shades, he would adorn an evil smile on his face as he slowly snapped them in two! So I used Caleb's relationship with glasses, as inspiration for this photo creation.
But truth be told there are several other perspectives I could have an historical perspective, in which I might have noted how tough he looked here at one month old and chosen another recent photo that shows his beautiful doe eyes and outrageous laughter with a caption that read "You thought you were so tough, but look whose laughing now!" Or maybe an event perspective in which I would talk about this being the first time Caleb met his Uncle Sctt and Aunt Jill and how his uncle was kind enough to lend Caleb his glasses for this memorable this case I would probably just leave the photo in its origianl form. And finally I could have simply looked at it from my own perspective which is...parents do some of the craziest things to thier kids, just to get a good photo...I would then pair it with some more photos in which we are mocking our child against his will...if he had a will.
A picture is worth a thousand go out and find the perfect words for your photos!
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Dance Your P**nts Off

Luckily daddy got a few pictures so I should be able to make an adorable lo of my sons dancing days...since I am quite certain that he will deny this story as well as, his god given right to "do the dance," later in life! Then I can always bust the page out at special occasions like first dates and prom, because us moms know that scrapbooks are really just blackmail waiting to happen!
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Who Has The 411
What kind should I get?I've heard of Maya Mists by Maya Road and Glimmer Mists by Tattered Angels...are there others you just love? Are the mists fairly easy to use? Any of them come in sets?
Tim Holtz or Heidi Swapp? Do you have other favorites? How about making your own...what do you use? Any tips or techniques you'd like to share? What mediums have you used with the masks?
How does it stack up to the Cricut or Slice? Are the extra features worth the money? Can you use the images you already have on your computer, if they are converted to a certain file or just the fonts? Are the accessories and images costly? Does it only cut or will it apply adhesive and magnet to cutouts as well? Which personal cutting machine do you prefer?
I would love to hear your comments, preferences, complaints, suggestions and advice on any or all of these products! So don't be afraid to weigh in...even if you've heard something thru a friend of a friend of friend or maybe you are secretly pining over one of the products as well...I look forward to hearing what you have to say!
Monday, August 3, 2009
My New and Improved Grocery List

Olive Oil*LEAN CUISINE Baked Chicken Florentine*Chicken Breasts*Margarine Spread*
Asparagus*Apricots*Chives*Basil*Bananas*Mixed-Grain English Muffins*Whole-Wheat English Muffins*Ricotta Cheese*Low Fat Cottage Cheese*Onions*Bananas*Parmesan Cheese*Peanuts
*Almonds*LEAN CUISINE Garlic Beef and Broccoli*Raspberries*Egg Substitute*Feta Cheese*
Cantaloupe*Mushrooms*Cucumber*Carrots*Tangerines*Beef Top Sirloin*Salmon*Blueberries* Red Potatoes*Blackberries*Mozzarella Cheese*Couscous*Canadian Style Bacon*Apples*Fat Free Cheddar *Garlic*Nectarines*Broccoli*Nonfat Vanilla Yogurt*
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Over the Hill? Not Yet!
Saturday Snapshot Challenge

Changing Gears