So I am working on another class...yes another one...a girl can never learn too much! But I wasn't going to be able to take any this month because we were so short on moneys. But I popped in at Paula's Inspiration Station Chat at Get It Scrapped (finally after dealing with a very ornery baby!) only to catch the end...bummer right!?...wrong, I one a free class from GIS! How cool is that! So now I'm taking Oodles of Doodles with Michelle Houghton, which is exciting not only because I am doodle impaired, but also because its given me a reason to pull out the old graphic tablet and give it another shot...besides I promised Paula I would report back to her on how it went. Here is the warm up lesson...which I DID NOT complete with my wacom, because I got entirely too frustrated with it....now there's a class I could really use...How to use you extremely frustrating, yet expensive graphic tablet!
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