Sunday, May 31, 2009
Facebook is the coolest thing since Rainbow Bright (and I am not talking your run of the mill childhood obsession, I'm talking full-blown, mom has to sneak her away in the night to clean her, kinda obsession)! This is how it is with facebook and my husband and I. He gets his turn with the computer when he pries the computer from my sweaty sleeping hands! Just kidding, its not that bad yet! But on a more serious note, I did spend the entire day catching up with old school friends...most of which I never thought I'd see or hear from again...how cool is that...yeah Facebook is definitely the bees knees (what does that mean anyway?). So feeling inspired by all of the nostalgia in the air, I completed the following layout in honor of all of my old friends I reconnected with thanks to facebook! Also I have to give credit to my scrappy friend hopeyanna...I loved the facebook overlay so much I had to scraplift your idea...thanks for the inspiration!

What I'm Working On
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Twice in One Day!
So I haven't posted in a while so I decided to bring everyone current and post twice in one day...I know unheard of, at least from me! Anyway...the family ( Caleb and the doggies too!) just got back from Castle Dale, did some hiking and climbing, visited the Crandal Miners Memorial, and most importantly visited with family. I didn't sleep well (mostly due to doggies and baby being out of their element as far as sleeping arrangements go) I have an extremely sore shoulder, the year's first sunburn, and I forgot my purse at a fast food establishment nearly 200 miles from our home...but Jake and I got some great photos!
This is My Life...
More Mad Digital Skillz
Started my second class with Pattie Knox MMDS this week. Our first class we learned how to use tearing in our digital layouts...so awesome. I have been settling for the limited actions and brushes that mimic tears, but now I can make my own...whenever and wherever I please...what will I do with all of my actions and brushes...oh I am sure they won't go to waste...I'm too lazy to let that happen! These are the layouts I learned this new technique on...

What I'm Working On
Monday, May 18, 2009
In a Rut?!

What I'm Working On
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Lil' Swimmers
Okay so I know its a little early for swimming, but my DH got a little over eager when we had our first day over 70 this week. While taking a break from assembling our super easy waterfall kit Jake decided to fill the froggy pool for our son and couldn't resist getting in himself! Caleb was a little unsure about his new pool, and our dog Coda was even more unsure about it (he thought a giant watch frog had taken up residence in our backyard, its the only thing we own bigger than him besides our cars!), but when daddy got in with him...he was okay as long as he could sit in daddy's lap.
This is My Life...
Monday, May 11, 2009
Vacuum Cowboy
Just waiting for the results of the drawings for The Mother May I Challenge at "Get It Scrapped,"(fingers crossed) so I thought I'd pop on and share this photo with you. Is Caleb trying to tell me that cleaning is in order for today or that he wants to help? He has been riding the vacuum all morning since I cleaned his play area in our family room...what a cutie. I can't help but love him, even if he did keep everyone up last night, made daddy late to work this morning and doomed mommy to a long day of laying around and doing nothing, due to sleep deprivation. Then I'll have this guilt at the end of the day, a feeling of failure that settles in the pit of my stomach as I say to myself, "I didn't accomplish anything today"--unless sleeping and eating can be counted as accomplishments...oh well, catching up on back episodes of Brothers and Sisters, and Grey's Anatomy could be considered accomplishments and I don't have to leave the couch...things happen for a reason!
This is My Life...
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Caleb-Proof (at least I thought so!?)
I spent today organizing my scrappy space, and baby proofing it so my Cajum Baby can scrap with me. I thought I had covered everything, but it appears I overlooked one thing:
He sorda has this thing with pulling everything out of something like a movie cabinet or a ball pit and throwing it all on the floor...so I'm thinking a lock or latch is in order!
He sorda has this thing with pulling everything out of something like a movie cabinet or a ball pit and throwing it all on the floor...so I'm thinking a lock or latch is in order!
This is My Life...
Monday, May 4, 2009
Late to Bed...Early to Rise
I joined Facebook last night...still getting the hang of everything, but am excited to be able to chat it up with all sorts of people include tons of scrap godesses like Katie Perteit and Tami Taylor. What a cool application. I'm sure theres so much you can do with it that I'm not, but all in good time. I just hope I don't turn into a mad zombie computer head! I have to thank my sister in law Sariah, she's always talking about her facebook page, so I realized I needed to get with the times! Well gotta go, Cajum Baby is awake!

This is My Life...
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Wow It's Been A While...
So I'm doing a benefit challenge at The Get It Scrapped site, called "Mother May I" sponsored by Tami Taylor, who is amazing! We're doing 72 challenges in 3 weeks or at least we're all going to try! Tami has put together this challenge, based on motherly advice and our translations of it as daughters. I've taken this opportunity to scrap all of the extra photos of my son that I didn;t use in his "1st year" album. I'm sure my fellow challengers are sick of my sons face by now...but thats okay, I never get tired of it! But best of all these challenges and most of all my fellow scrappers have inspired me to paper scrap again. I'm sure everyone in the class about died of shock when they saw my first paper layout...I almost did too (wow, I didn;t think she knew what paper was!) And also I won a paper kit during one of the drawings held during the challenge...I was soooooo excited!Here's my favoite product of the challenges so far

"Crazy Boy" The paper is by Ellie Lash (Irish Eyes), The buttons are by Shabby Princess (Carousel, Promises), Anna Aspnes (Art Deco), and Janelle Paige. The staple and freestyle swirls are from Peppermint Creative, the Frame is by Jessica Sprague and the Stamp is by Mindy Terasawa (Boys Rawk). The Painted Alpha is by Shabby Princess and the font is CK Rugged.
What I'm Working On
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