Do you have troubling scrapping yourself...I know I do. Whether I am too busy taking all of the photos, can't find a good picture or just unconciously don;t think about it...I'm not sure, but when I searched my los for scrap pages of myself I found one in the last 8 years...with the exception of my bridal photos! Only in the past few months, with the help of experts at Creating Keepsake Magazine, Get It Scrapped and Jessica Sprague.com, have I come to realize the value of scrapping oneself! So tonight at my monthly scrappy night I was curious to see how many of my friends also had the same problem...most of them, infact. So instead of tearing the band-aid off, we all made scrapbook pages for eachother. Each person wrote their names and three things about themselves on a note card and we swapped cards. (Now the bigger your group the less each of you may know eachother so think carefully about the clues you provide) Now we decided to to take our los home and use our own pics...but you could also take photos at the crop and print them off so that everyone leaves with a completed lo. Then use the person's photos and the clues they provided you with to complete a lo for that person...from their point of view! For instance I had Aimee, who loves unicorns, being with her family, the color turquoise and going to the movies. I used her favorite color as the basis for the lo color scheme and then used her favorites as the foundation for my journaling: "One day I'll fly to the movies on a turquoise unicorn...but for now I'm happy to be at home with family!" Give this little challenge a try at your next crop night...not only will it help bring everyone a little closer, but it will hopefully help you to be inspired to scrap yourself more often!
"Fall-ow Me" by Aimee Case, "How Totally Glamorous is She?" by Amy Kingsford and "Sweet Girl" by Krisstina Kemp
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