Ok so I spent most of last night and the better part of my morning fussing around with an assignment for my Mad Digital Skillz Class. We learned about masks yesterday, a scary word I'd been avoiding since I first heard it---and now I know why! Just kidding. You really can do amazing things with masks--at least I've seen it done...I have not yet accomplished anything I would deem to amazing--but it will happen, one day when I'm not expecting it --it will just click, at least I hope so. So I did two of the same LO, one using masks to combine the designs of two papers, and one with the same effect + I used a mask to combine two photos. I'm not sure which one I like better or maybe there both bad...You tell me...what's wrong with these pictures?
CREATIVE TIP: I feel like I've had the creativity drained out of me, and I don't have anything very brilliant to offer on the concept of masks--except that for PSE users, instead of using the mask layer tool that is only offered with the full version of PS, use the layer adjustment tool and select Hue Satuaration. Then place it benethe your second layer in the pallette and the group (CTRL G) your second layer to the mask layer. Use white, black and grey to add, take away and combine color from your first layer to the second.
"Hello Life" Happy Go Lucky Papers and Elements by Shabby Princess, Hello Life frame and label brushes by Ali Edward, Milano LET Font, and stitching and rub on actions from atomic cupcake.
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