Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Tuesday Talk: WORDS

What is your favorite word? sooooo....Its how I end every sentence so I guess it would be my most frequent word...not necessarily my favorite....hmmmm I love the word fortuitous but its hard to bring it in to a conversation...I'm not even sure I now what it means...but I like it!
What is your least favorite word? I hate the word Pussy Willow, I so wanted them at my wedding but just couldn;t say that to a florist without blushing...so I had sticks instead :(
What turns you on? People who are smart and funny and caring, like my husband.
What turns you off? People who are extremely good looking and know!
What sound or noise do you love? Its a tie between a rainstorm and breaking glass
What sound or noise do you hate? The ticking of a clock...maybe because I'm always late or always have tons to do?!
What is your favorite curse word? I don;t really have a favorite, I try not to use them in general...but I say OMG alot...and I feel bad about it...becuase when I say it I make no connection with taking the lord's name in vein at all...its just a phrase or a figure of speech to me...so I have to work on that!
What profession other than your own would you like to attempt? I would love to be an artist or a writer...something where I can use my creativity!
What profession would you not like to do? Stock Hot Dogs and Bacon ....oh wait thats what I'm doing now!
If Heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates? You are officially debt-free...no seriously...money is the source of all that stresses me in life...so I hope there is absolutely no money or bills in heaven!


Mary C. said...

That ticking clock is kind of getting to me too. I have a headache.
I like your answers. It shows me that you are a sweet person.

Linda said...

Yes, I really see the innocence in you with these answers.

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