If I could sum up our October in one word it would have to be LEAVES! We admired them, we played in them we raked them, we were literally buried in them! October at our house was all about the leaves.
When we moved into our house last year it was just before the transition between leaves and snow...so we had no idea just how many leaves our trees made in average fall...and truth be told, there came a point when we wished we had never found out. The first few dumps were fun, the tree in our front yard turned this amazing deep red color and looked like it was flaming, daddy and Caleb shared their first experiences playing in the leaves, and mommy got some great pictures of her little "leaf angel." But after a while enough was enough. It got to the point where not only could we not fit all of the leaves in our trash can each week, but if we went with out a day of raking they were staining every piece of cement on our property. Excuse me but I'm not sure we signed up for all of these leaves.
Now we're cutting back all of the trees for winter and attempting to clean up all leaves that escaped prior rakings as we prepare for small white flecks to fall from the sky and I never thought I'd say this but this new falling friend is quite welcome...thats right take away the leaves and bring on the snow...oh wait that means shoveling and snowblowing and slippery ice patches...come on there has to be a happy medium...and sadly enough I think here in Utah we call that medium ...Summer (ha!)
However our family would like to offer our gratitude to the beauty and fun that October's Leaves afforded us and ask that that they might take some mercy on us next year!