So I'm backtracking a bit, but I was going through our photos today from this event and just had to share! This was my first time attending Lamb Days, a tradition that has been upheld by my husband's family for many decades! But this year was very special, as all the Collards were in attendance! A lot like Cherry Days or Clinton Days or Roy Days, this is the small town of Fountain Green, UT's annual city celebration. Where it has been custom for years for the town to engage in activities like a talent show, 5K race and walk, lamb sandwiches, a parade and an annual lamb auction. For such a small town, this event sure turns out some numbers! We arrived on Sat. just in time for the paradewhere Caleb[Jake] scored lots of candy. Then we raced over to the city park to save the Collard's corner, a nicely shaded area close to the music, food and restrooms! Caleb met several sheep and liked all of those who did not nibble his fingers. Then Jake and Caleb rode the tractor train...yeaaaa! We chatted and ate our delightful lamb sandwiches then wrapped up by taking several informal family photos...I am sad to say that my son is either playing with keys or picking his nose in every one of them! I was so happy to be part of this wonderful tradition this year and hope to make it part of our routine for many years to come. Thank You Collard's for introducing our son and myself to Lamb Days!
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